Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Time's Up, Back to Work...

A long ways away, isn't always about distance.
In the past ten months I've taken time to work and reevaluated myself and the direction I am going in.  I've had the privilege to learning so much this year and working with some amazing people in the process.  More importantly, I learned that I'm on the right track, both in my thoughts and direction.  However, I have a very long ways to go to reach my goals.  I will continue the unfinished series on the perfect storm, but for now I just wanted to become familiar with my keyboard and thinking through processes again.  My goal with this blog is to approach health and health concepts in a way that could provoke further thought, or new ideas.  I've had a great time writing these and love having people respond about how much they appreciate or enjoy my writing.  Having said all this, I am growing more excited to get back to work.  So... Let's go! 

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