Monday, September 10, 2012

What does it take to blossom? (Part 5)

As we have talked about plants in the previous (4) installments, we've come to understand dynamic aspects of plant life and how amazing they really are.  More importantly, we can see how amazing we CAN be if we take the time to apply simple realities that a plant acts upon everyday.  In order to grow as a person we need to know where we are at the moment of change.  This growth is necessary, though, many choose not to grow.  We all want to be the best us we can, but we need direction and guidance.  Looking at a plant rather than another person, helps us to understand that we need not imitate someone's personality, viewpoints or habits.  All we need to do is put our highest quality out in front of us. Though no one is perfect, it is important that we understand that our best is measured not by men or tests, or even our own perception, but by the level of good that exude from our best efforts.        

We cannot do it alone
What we emit from us does affect others (we'll touch on that next time).  Our greatness or our best can be experienced by those we touch around us.  Having this thought in mind, if our best affects those around us, can those around us affect our best?  Well the answer is yes, they can!  This is all important as we go into the world, doing our best to define ourselves and affect the things we encounter.  Just as high levels of smog can affect our air quality and breathing, poor association can do the same.  Likewise, good people, experienced people that contribute to our lives can bring meaningful insight into our world, causing us to refine ourselves. 

In this part of how to blossom we will look at external nutrients that a plant needs to do all the things we've discussed previous.  To peer into the simplicity of a plant may seem trivial or insignificant; but only to the one not willing to see and understand the mastery of such a complex creature. The flower is something to marvel at, it has been the object of paintings, poetry, dreams (you go Freud!), politics and symbols of peace to name a few.  How has this small, light and delicate plant gain so much attention, without saying a single word?  A flowers beauty and contours; its colors and uniqueness has beckoned for our respect and admiration for centuries.  However, all of this wouldn't be up for discussion without external nutrients that affords it to grow, and evolve into what we appreciate today.  

When we think of the (3) things that plants need that they cannot provide for themselves, what comes to mind is simple.  Most second or third graders could tell you these components.  The first is the sun, then water, and lastly air, namely carbon dioxide.  These three parts are essential for a plants growth and sustainability.  So, we can see why they are so important.  Well, what about us?  What can we take from this, well, just as a plant needs these things so do we.  We need external nutrients to survive and sustain our own growth.  

If we observe how the sun affects a flower we can see the diaphanous line between helpful and harmful.  The suns warmth can be monumental in aiding a young or fragile flower reach its maturity.  In that same breathe we can see that too much sun can also be fatal.  I liken this to family, family can be extremely helpful, but also can prove to deal fatally with us and our growth.  The balance needs to be the goal in our family relationship, we need our family, there isn't any arguing that, however, we need them to the extent that they prove to be helpful.  

The next external nutrient that we absolutely need is the refreshing and priceless source of  water.  Without this everything we know to exist would not be.  That is how vital water is to a plant and also to us.  Our water is relative to our experiences.  This aspect of those external nutrients is essential to our growth.  Though our experiences are ours alone, they are external first before we take ownership of them.  This is important as it is HOW we take ownership of our experiences that is important.  The reason being that this could either damage us or aid in our growth.  Just the way we perceive things can have an affect on us.  This is an external source that becomes ours by our being present in the moment.  

The third part is also very important, this one is the oxygen around us.  Though we cannot see the air around us, we can immediately identify it's significance by what it brings us.  This, I also liken  to our friends, or mentors; one can see externally who is your friend or mentor, but they can be identified by what they bring to us.  Our friends just like oxygen can refresh us and give us the necessary components we need to continue to thrive.  In this case we are namely speaking of carbon dioxide, and this is important to note, for the fact that this is the used air that is needed for our growth.  I like to compare this term "used" to experienced, just as carbon dioxide is "experienced" oxygen.  Those we should surround ourselves with should be experienced, able to help us and bring to us what we need to grow.  

What can all this do?  Well, it can prepare us to give our best.  Which will be proven by what it does to others.  A heart is measured only by its production or output, no matter what the condition, as long as its delivers on its purpose it's consider successful.  By having external nutrients we can grow to heights unimaginable.  Let our sun warm us, let our water refresh us and let our air prepare us.