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Physical activity could be the conduit that empowers all facets |
Movement of the Mind is not so much interested in devaluing physical activity, nor placing it on a pedestal either. However, we feel that physical activity plays a huge part in possibly opening all other facets of health to an individual, and bringing satisfaction on multiple levels. Being active leads to benefits that can last a lifetime. There is so much research on the benefits of activity, like physical activity, and even as we age physical activity remains most important to ward off illness, disease and complications.
Our journey through physical health should take on the same approach as our previous escapades; looking at the issue in a more meaningful and abstract way, that delves into more than just the obvious (of course, to the best of our ability). So, let's go shall we? Our body starts to move from the moment we receive our first heart beat in our mothers womb, till our final movement as life begins to cease. We are constantly moving, thinking, feeling, responding and living, everyday of our lives. Though the degree to which each one of us moves differ greatly, it is our belief that we were born to move, born to interact, born to live. Physical health leads us to understand or appreciate our ability to be active; to live every moment in full appreciation of our abilities.
Our abilities define us, in some way. Runner's run, dancers dance, and children play. Having activity in our lives, gives us more purpose, more energy and helps us define what type of life we want. Understanding that there are several types of physical activity should help everyone better share in having an active life. Exercise is structured, consistent movement, whereas physical activity is movement (of any kind). So, whether you're walking, dancing, cleaning, gardening, playing, swimming, or moving furniture; all these constitute physical activity.
In this epidemic of fitness, we are often led astray to believe that fitness is health. This, in fact is the most cloddish and disconcerting correlation in health. To be fit, which is the forming and strengthening of muscle, is not to be confused with being healthy (though, there are relations, however, by no means are they related). Being "skinny" as it were, isn't synonymous with being healthy, or being muscular for that matter. Our body's ability to "do", more closely associates with health, than the previous. Our ability to walk up the stairs with no discomfort, or run around with our children or friends, or even more bio-metrically sound, having a well functioning body, that can process, consume, filter and secrete properly is health. Having access to healthcare, healthy foods, safe environments and having peace, are the very staples of health. I find great frustration with everyone looking to a certain poundage, or pant or dress size to reach to "be healthy". Distortion of health in the media around us, cripple or cloud our clear thinking of what health really is, and what is needed to be healthy. Finding the balance between our outwardly appearance, our ability to accomplish tasks (ranging from challenging to easy) and maintaining a proper functioning body, should be absolute key for us.
Physical health should be exciting, sustainable and challenging. It should also, produce a better us, with the help of all the other facets mentioned and bring definition to our lives. It is impossible to stop moving, in hopes to start living; we are designed to move and experience. My hope, or our hope, is to create the mind frame that moves our thoughts, our perceptions, our understandings, to a place where moving is a stationary thought in our lives. Though, understandably it isn't easy; we challenge you to think of what in life is? Especially, those things that are worth while.
Buddha believed a clear mind stemmed from a healthy body, however, I'll take it a bit further. How we think is an extension of how we feel, and how we feel, will move us in one direction or another. Let us always do well to ourselves, movement is life, and we should all have a share. No one, is perfect and no one exercise or physical activity program works for everyone. Find you, in your movement and set your bar for yourself.
"Regimen is superior to medicine." - Voltaire