Growth is the most beneficial aspect of life. When we learn, experience, feel, see, and find we have the opportunity to grow. All of us have these facets occur but not all of us choose to grow from them. This, I believe is contingent on our "cognitive fitness", and where that level is. Cognitive Plyometrics is the movement of the mind defined.
From here we can stretch, shift, and lift ourselves into higher plains that in turn can strengthen our bodies to levels we didn't know existed. I know it may sound like lofty "Yoda talk", but our minds are truly strong and require just as much (if not more) exercise than our bodies. Journey with me to distances so far away you can easily become lost, yet so close you'll always be at center.
Creating strong minds that can aid us in changing our bodies is essential. Actually, it's the proper way to exercise. As the old mantra goes, where the mind goes the body will follow.